Bellavista Dental
Bellavista Dental is a modern dental practice, which provides quality and affordable care for all the family.

We are located in Churchtown, Dublin 14, and have been part of the community here for 25 years.
The emphasis at Bellavista Dental is on total patient care for all the family which is built around a relaxed atmosphere, commencing in the waiting room and continuing into the surgery. We have a state-of-the-art, colourful fish tank in the waiting room, which is enjoyed by all patients, especially children.
The team is highly trained and professional, with many years of service in the practice, and our aim is to make every patient’s experience as pleasant as possible. We offer a full range of dental treatments, including all cosmetic procedures.
Why Bellavista Dental
Children – we cater for children, providing a wide range of dental services which includes: check-ups; fissure sealants; and, preventive treatments.
Adults – we provide an extensive range of treatments which includes: routine check-ups; root canal work; bleaching; and, crown and bridge restoration work.
We pride ourselves in our ability to refer our patients on for specialist work when required. We have a number of well-established links with specialist practitioners including periodontists (for gum issues), endodontists (for root canal treatment), orthodontists (for braces) and oral surgery
(for wisdom teeth).
• Crown and bridge/implant treatments
• Special interest and experience in
paediatric dentistry and all
branches of restorative dentistry
• Experienced dental hygienist
• Computerised records, digital radiographs and state-of-the-art
dental equipment
Well-established dental team, the majority of the staff have been working together in Bellavista Dental for over 10 years.
Our team

Dr Niall O’Connor
Dr Catherine O’Neill
Dental hygienist
Liz McCallion
Dental nurses
Indaiara Silveira
Monalisa Afonso
Bernadette Henry
Katherine Bates
Ann Walsh